Work: RefNat4LIFE - RACHP Technicians

Work: RefNat4LIFE - RACHP Technicians

When a customer comes to us with a question, we don't just look at what their wish is, but also what the best way is to realise their goals.

In the case of RefNat4LIFE, it was important that installers of refrigeration systems, air conditioning and heat pumps become leads, who are sent to the website to sign up for free webinars. The campaign had two main pillars: first, we created animations, and second, we rolled out the campaign on LinkedIn.

We opted for an animation because a lot of information needed to be conveyed in an easy way. The climate crisis, legal regulations and rising energy costs make it difficult for installers to offer the best cooling systems. The choice is literally huge! 

In the animation, we presented not only the problem, but also the solution: sign up for RefNat4LIFE's webinars. The target group can watch free webinars or recorded sessions on In this way, they keep their knowledge up to date, but they also see how things can be done even better. 

The roll-out of the campaign on LinkedIn was a success: by making the campaign completely tailor-made for LinkedIn, the target group was reached well and many leads were generated.

Infinite possibilities?

At animation company Animation Agency , we make anything possible when it comes to animation. Are you eager to work with us on a stunning animation? Give us a call or email us and we'll discuss it further. Let's animate your story.