World Class Maintenance chooses Animation Agency!

World Class Maintenance chooses Animation Agency!

Sometimes you just want to shout from the rooftops that you have a new client... even if you can't give away anything about the content yet. Just like now, because we get to work for World Class Maintenance! WCM is the network for smart maintenance in the Netherlands and is very ambitious: they want 100% predictable maintenance in Dutch industry. A solid ambition, and one we are proud to be able to contribute to.

Animation Agency will be producing three animations for World Class Maintenance about a major event they are planning. (Now we're giving it away a bit, but OK)

Get going!

Infinite possibilities?

At animation company Animation Agency , we make anything possible when it comes to animation. Are you eager to work with us on a stunning animation? Give us a call or email us and we'll discuss it further. Let's animate your story.