Styling of our explainer for Ecobit Software

Styling of our explainer for Ecobit Software

Style determination, how does it work?

Did you know that every aspect in an animation production is equally important? Therefore, we think it is good that the customer is involved from A to Z in the process. This also applies to the style definition! We take you through the development for the animation of Ecobit Software.

In the style determination we start working on the visuals of the animation. Here we look at the purpose of the animation, the message, but also the existing corporate identity of the customer. Are there certain elements in the corporate identity that are perfect for animation? Then we will certainly add these to the production. This ensures recognition by the viewer. This also makes it possible for the customer to use the visuals for other means of communication.


During the preliminary research we found out that Ecobit Software works mainly with round shapes. These shapes are reflected in the visuals. We also analyzed Ecobit Software's color scheme and added a color to it for extra variety: black. The characters represent the users of the AFAS Engine, so we visualized both men and a woman.

Concept visuals

To give the client a good idea of what to expect, we developed two concept visuals.

Visual 1

In the first visual, you can see that the character is actually "in control. By showing one screen, we show that all data can be captured in one dashboard through Ecobits AFAS Engine.

Visual 2

As it is about collecting data in the AFAS engine, we show with this image that different types of data are "captured" by the data streams. These are green and as soon as they touch the data, a green ball appears around the data. The latter can then be traced back to the Ecobit Software logo.