How do you create an animation?

Want to make your own animation? Learn the "game" of getting from nothing, to a story, to a complete animation video. It's a process where creativity, a clear story and the right tools are the keys to success.

If you want to get started making an animated film, then some tools and steps cannot be missed. Read all the tips and tricks and take your knowledge and skills about making animations to the next level. Who knows, you might soon be showing off your first homemade animation video!

Making your own animation: tools, tips and considerations. Because what all do you need to think about when making your own animation? Find out in our article.

Creating your own animation? Start with these choices and actions

Before you start making an animation video, several knots need to be cut. Consider choices such as: the budget, time to spend, complexity of the video, degree of professionalism, tools, storyline and the purpose of the video.

1. Tools

If you are going to make an animation video yourself, you need to have the right tools in hand. When making this choice, the level of experience is relevant, as well as the intended quality and time you have to make the animation video yourself.

For professionals: Adobe After Effects

The most widely used programs for creating animation videos are Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator. Animation Agency also uses these software. However, if you are not familiar with these, you may find these programs to be a maze.

For beginners: Powtoon and Vyond

Fortunately, there are more simple tools for creating your own animation. For example, low-threshold drag-and-drop tools, such as Powtoon and Vyond. With these, you can get started right away. Thanks to the predefined formats and animation image bank, quite a bit of work has already been done for you.

Powtoon - Animation program
Vyond - Animation program

2. Story and content

Once you have the tools, the creating can begin. That is, you need to start thinking further about the following: the story, the structure, the illustration style and the duration of the video.

Inventing a story

It is essential to first think out your story or concept. Here it is important that you limit the duration of the video and think carefully about the purpose of the animation and the type of animation. After that, you can start writing down a storyboard, initial concepts and illustrations.

Script writing

Once you finish the concept, you start writing the full script. As a beginner, though, if you are making your own animation, it is wise to submit your script to others. In the absence of experience and colleagues, you can then still spar. That way, check if everything is clear and concrete enough.

See the full roadmap of animation creation.

3. Create animation yourself or still outsource?

Making an animation is not easy work. It involves a lot of expertise and (technical) knowledge. Therefore, you can always weigh up whether to make an animation yourself or choose to outsource all or part of it.

Cheap animation

Do you have certain budget, so for example maximum €1,500? Then you're better off making the animation yourself and/or putting someone to work via You can also use Fiverr to have only the illustrations made and turn them into an animation video yourself, so you are partly outsourcing the work.

Engage professional

Weigh upwhether you want to create the animation completely yourself or still turn it over to a professional animation agency. This depends in part on your budget. You gain time and probably quality by outsourcing the animation video. You may also be able to recover the costs more quickly.

4. Examples of animations

Need inspiration or examples in terms of animation style? Take a look at our portfolio, with examples of all types of animations. These include 2D animations, 3D animations, technical animations and much more.

More information or contact?

Are you still considering getting help with making an animation film? You can always contact us without obligation or request a price from us. So feel free to let us hear from you.